Burnt out? Me too

Did any of us really get over being burnt out after Covid?

I’m not sure I did.

I had my youngest at the height of the pandemic, with all the extra precautions and rules and stuff. It was hard on my anxiety because I felt like I’d been abandoned by the system. Here I was, VERY pregnant and stuck in my house. No medical appointments unless strictly necessary, and my desire for a home birth shelved because I was considered high risk after a bleed with my first child.

Fortunately it was a smooth (if somewhat fast) birth and my daughter is now four and causing all kinds of chaos. She’s such a funny little creature.

My biggest regrets at the time? Not being able to have maternity portraits (again, I couldn’t afford it with my eldest) and definitely not being able to have those amazing newborn photos either. I did both myself, but it’s not the same experience as having a professional look after you.

I tried going back to work almost as soon as the pandemic ended. I didn’t give myself time to rest, time to breathe. I just leapt back in, and while I created some awesome things and changed lives I still sort of regret it. The timing wasn’t brilliant. I had a tiny human who needed me, a husband who was gearing up to go back to work himself, and the whole world seemed different.

I had moderate success that year, but it quickly burnt me out. I lost my joy for it all. I didn’t look at my camera or my social media or my website. I didn’t speak to a soul about what I do. About how I can change their lives forever.


Until 2023.

I’d taken months off already, but then Graphi (the amazing people who make all my products) announced a workshop in their castle in the Dolomites. Three of my favourite educators would be there, Sue Bryce (who has been my mentor for over a decade now), Teri Hofford (who is the author of The Geode Theory and teaches about body image and is amazing. You should all check her out) and Kara Marie (who is changing the boudoir industry from her home in Italy).

The workshop sucked every single penny of savings I had, but I knew it would be worth it. The universe conspired to get me there, including sending my passport renewal out WEEKS ahead of the suggested waiting time.

I was right. The workshop was amazing. I went home with a renewed sense of joy in my work, in my business, and life.

But I also knew I was still deep in the grips of burn out. There was still a disconnect somewhere.

It took me a long time to work it out.

But more on that next week!


It’s time to go on a little trip…


Creativity ruined my marriage. And saved my life.